8 research outputs found

    VerHANDlungsgeschick. Der Einfluss von Körperkontakt in Verhandlungen und anderen Geschäftsgesprächen

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    Die taktile Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit der Haut stellt nicht nur unser größtes und erstentwickeltes Sinnesorgan dar. Durch sie nehmen wir unsere Umwelt am unmittelbarsten wahr, wodurch sie großen Einfluss auf unsere Kognitionen, Emotionen und Handlungen nehmen kann. Dennoch ist dieser Sinn im Verhältnis zu anderen Sinnen überraschend wenig untersucht. Gerade im alltäglichen Feld beruflicher Gespräche und Verhandlungen liegen bisher keine wissenschaftlichen Studien zu den Auswirkungen von Berührung vor, obwohl zahlreiche Praxisratgeber die Wichtigkeit angemessenen Körperkontaktes immer wieder hervorheben. In drei zusammenhängenden Arbeitsschritten werden daher wissenschaftliche wie wirtschaftliche Aspekte beruflichen Körperkontakts beleuchtet. Dazu wird in einem ersten Schritt ein übergreifendes, integratives Kommunikationsmodell (IKM) aus der Literatur abgeleitet, welches in einem zweiten Schritt einer interkulturellen Studie als Basis dient. Diese untersucht erstmals den geschäftlichen Nutzung und die Wirkung von Körperkontakt. Aufbauend überprüfen im dritten Schritt drei Praxisstudien die Effektivität von Handschlägen in realen Verhandlungen. Die Ergebnisse der Studien des zweiten und dritten Arbeitsschrittes belegen Handschläge als vielseitig nutzbare und positiv wirkende Berührungsart, die die Erzielung beidseitig profitabler Verhandlungsergebnisse begünstigte, die Verbindlichkeit von Vereinbarungen steigerte und die vollständige Entschuldigung beruflichen Fehlverhaltens ermöglichte. Die Befunde der Studien werden im Rahmen des IKM diskutiert und in ihrer Bedeutung für berufliche Kommunikation dargestellt

    Tracer gas technique, air velocity measurement and natural ventilation method for estimating ventilation rates through naturally ventilated barns

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    Naturally ventilated barns have the advantage of providing an energy-efficient and low-noise micro-environment for animals.  Such barns are very common, especially for cattle, which are a major source of ammonia and methane emissions as well as other airborne pollutants. Emission fluxes are calculated as the product of the ventilation rate (VR) and the gas concentration.  The VR of naturally ventilated barns are directly influenced by atmospheric conditions.  Therefore, the estimation of VR involves high uncertainties; furthermore, there is no reference method for VR estimation.  For these reasons, three different methods were investigated to estimate VR through naturally ventilated dairy barns: (1) the tracer gas technique, using radioactive isotope Krypton-85 (85Kr), (2) the measurement of the air velocity through the barn openings, and (3) the natural ventilation method.  The investigations were performed in two naturally ventilated dairy barns (each with a volume of 5,670 m3) during mild (T≥17℃) and cold weather (T<17℃) conditions.  The VR ranged between 48,000 and 475,000 m3/h.  There was a significant (p<0.01) correlation between all three methods for barn A (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.59-0.86).  For barn B only, the tracer gas and the natural ventilation method showed a significant (p=0.03) correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.62).  The season (mild or cold) and the VR estimation method both had a significant (p<0.03) effect on the estimated VR for both barns.  The outside wind speed had a significant (p<0.005) effect on the estimated VR for barn A.  For barn B, this effect was not significant (p=0.052).  The tracer gas technique used has the advantage of measuring the tracer with high resolution in time (1 Hz) and space (18 or more measured points).Keywords: Natural ventilation, tracer gas technique, radioactive isotope 85Kr, air velocity, air exchange rate, dairy barn  &nbsp

    The G534E polymorphism of the gene encoding the factor VII–activating protease is associated with cardiovascular risk due to increased neointima formation

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    The G534E polymorphism (Marburg I [MI]) of factor VII–activating protease (FSAP) is associated with carotid stenosis and cardiovascular disease. We have previously demonstrated that FSAP is present in atherosclerotic plaques and it is a potent inhibitor of vascular smooth muscle proliferation and migration in vitro. The effect of wild-type (WT)- and MI-FSAP on neointima formation in the mouse femoral artery after wire-induced injury was investigated. Local application of WT-FSAP led to a 70% reduction in the neointima formation, and this effect was dependent on the protease activity of FSAP. MI-FSAP did not inhibit neointima formation in vivo. This is due to a reduced proteolytic activity of MI-FSAP, compared to WT-FSAP, toward platelet-derived growth factor BB, a key mediator of neointima development. The inability of MI-FSAP to inhibit vascular smooth muscle accumulation explains the observed linkage between the MI-polymorphism and increased cardiovascular risk. Hence, FSAP has a protective function in the vasculature, and analysis of MI polymorphism is likely to be clinically relevant in restenosis

    Deal Seals - Reaching binding agreements in legally non-binding negotiations

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    First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic)

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    Global changes drive abundance and distribution of species worldwide. It seems that at least some cephalopodstocks profit from global changes as indicated by increases in biomass and/or expansion of their geographicaldistribution, as appears to be the case for the commercially important ommastrephid squidIllexcoindetii, in theNorth Sea. Based on the recently increased abundance of this species seen in research trawl hauls, here wepresent the first evidence of a summer spawning stock ofIllexcoindetiiin the North Sea and derive a descriptionof its life cycle. Neither mated females nor spent males were reported from the area previously. In quarter 1 themajority ofIllexcoindetiiwere immature (maturity stage 0) and maturing (maturity stage 1–3) while in quarter 3almost exclusively mature and spent individuals (maturity stage 4–6) were caught. We observed up to threespermatangia bundles attached to females in quarter 3, indicating that spawning and reproduction takes place inthe North Sea and that the species is already established in this area. Estimated egg hatching dates suggest aprolonged hatching period and therefore likely a long spawning season, although cold temperature seems tolimit year round reproduction. The intensity of individual migrations from adjacent waters into the North Sea isunknown and therefore the number of individuals staying permanently in the North Sea could not be estimated.It is consequently still unclear whether the North Sea individuals ofI. coindetiiconstitute a new separate stoc